20 May. 2005, Stuttgart |
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Learning by Fooling (around), Vortrag Lotte Krisper-Ullyett
2. Juni in Stuttgart, Symposium for Information Design zum Thema Game Based Learning |
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Fourth Symposium for Information Design
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Als Lotte Krisper-Ullyetts Beitrag im Rahmen eines spielerischen Wettbewerbs von SIG-GLUE prämiert wurde, eröffnete sich die Möglichkeit, darüber am Symposium for Information Design zu referieren.
From 10.00 AM to 18.00PM, exact times and rooms will be announced shortly.
10:15: »A curiously challenging fantasy: towards an understanding of learning environments as games« Michael
Begg, Learning Technology Section, College of Medicine and Veterinary
Medicine, University of Edinburgh, UK - Fiona Littleton, Hamish
Macleod, School of Education, University of Edinburgh, UK
10:45: »An interactions approach for analysing collaborative games«
Philip Bonanno, University of Malta
Coffee Break
11:45: »Youngnet: learning community for collaborative gaming and learning«
Fabian Kempf, IAO Stuttgart, Germany
12:15: »Learning with digital agents - integration of simulations, games, and storytelling«
Ulrike Spierling, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Germany
Lunch Break
14:15: »Games and learning - starting from the learning perspective«
Chris Brannigan, Caspianlearning, UK
14:45: »Dramaturgic e-learning strategy«
Huberta Kritzenberger, Wilfried Mödinger, Stuttgart Media University (HdM), Germany
Coffee Break
16:15: »Storytelling based edutainment applications for museums« Stefan Göbel, Anja Hoffmann, ZGDV Darmstadt, Germany
16:45 »Learning by Fooling (around)«
Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, factline Webservices Gmbh, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland
17:15 »Knowledge pool for game based learning« Maja Pivec, FH Joanneum, Austria and Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, factline & FH Burgenland Austria
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Source: factline |